- Οι άνθρωποι μισούμε οτιδήποτε καταδεικνύει την άγνοια μας.
(People hate anything that shows our ignorance.)
- I am making pictures, Not taking pictures!
- Photography makes me happy! Especially when I meet people's lives...
- Finally I discovered that I don't like to "be prepared". I don't like to know before, I just love to find the unexpected. For me, as a photographer, it matters to discover the unique, primitive feelings that has any single human being of this world. People have it in Paris or in some isolated Greek mountain, I have discovered this feeling in my closest relatives and friends 20 years ago, I have found it also in some Turkish Lady many years after.
I thing I am an explorer who just happen to hold a camera and is looking around, and as a little child, I always lough inside me when I am taking a picture of the unique primitive feeling of humanity.
- The Photographer creates a reality which only exists due to the fact that it was photographed.
- My friends and I, are undermining the vanity of this city! (Dedicated at my hometown's mass media)
- The only thing it matters to me is to "close" my right eye and "open" my left one...
- The Artist is the alibi of a descent world. And I am not!
- We make art for our souls in expense of those who love us.
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George Savakis was born in Heraklion, Crete, Greece in 1970.
He studied photography at Faculty of Fine Arts and Design (Photography and Audiovisual Arts Department) at the Technological Educational Institute of Athens (1994 - 2000).
* He was awarded as one of the 16 best, Young Greek Photographers of 1998.
(Selected to participate in the 10th “Photosynkyria” in Thessaloniki (“Photobiennale” since 2008) and the 5th International Month of Photography in Athens).
He was also awarded with the 3rd prize, at the 2nd Meeting of the 1999 Young Artists, by the “Vakalo” School of Art & Design.
In 1999 he stopped taking any kind of photographs and started again in 2005.
* Since 2008, photography has become a real passion and obsession.
He is working on personal projects in Social, Documentary Photography (in a more expression way).
For that reason, he participates in
workshops and travels a lot..
Recent Work.: gsavakis.blogspot.com/
Website .......: www.gsavakis.com
Facebook .....: www.facebook.com/georgesavakis
EMAIL ..........: gsavakis _(AT)_ gmail _(DOT)_ com